
Experiments have been running in secret, deep in the jungle. Brazil has been investing big in modernising their armed forces, dismissing
their infantry and replacing them with an entirely mechanised arsenal, including the latest in military applications for EMP technology.
Many covet the strength of Brazil's new modern armour. No doubt some will try to take it for their own. Will they remain steadfast and
repel these invaders?
Construction Yard

Cost: $5000
Role: Base Construction
The Construction Yard is the foundation of a base and allows the construction of other Brazilian buildings. The most vital structure of a base; it must be protected at all costs. Destruction or seizure of the Construction Yard will shut down further base expansion.
Power Station

Cost: $500
Role: Generates 100 Power, Produces Infantry
The Power Station provides power to other Brazilian buildings. Well-staffed by Technicians and Engineers, these infantry can be trained for combat use. Building multiple Power Stations will increase the rate at which infantry are produced.
Flame Tower

Cost: $600
Role: Base Defence
The heavily-armoured Flame Tower targets and destroys approaching enemy ground units by shooting fireballs. It is best used against large groups of infantry; it is effective against armoured units as well.
Battle Lab

Cost: $1500
Role: Tech Structure, Base Defence
This structure is a research centre for advanced military technology, granting access to other structures. The lab also conducts field testing by firing long-range rockets at enemies. It is particularly effective against vehicles and can also fire at aircraft. While expensive, the Battle Lab forms a vital part of Brazil's defences, drawing little power from the base, and resisting enemy anti-tank fire with ease.
Role: Tech Structure, Base Defence
This structure is a research centre for advanced military technology, granting access to other structures. The lab also conducts field testing by firing long-range rockets at enemies. It is particularly effective against vehicles and can also fire at aircraft. While expensive, the Battle Lab forms a vital part of Brazil's defences, drawing little power from the base, and resisting enemy anti-tank fire with ease.
Communications Centre

Cost: $1000
Role: Base Radar & Communication
Allows the use of the radar screen as long as there is sufficient power. The radar screen allows for long-range views of the battlefield and for commanding units over great distances.
Weapons Factory

Cost: $2000
Role: Produces Vehicles
This structure constructs Brazil's vehicles. Building multiple Weapons Factories will decrease the amount of time it takes to create a vehicle.
Repair Facility

Cost: $1000
Role: Repairs Vehicles
The repair facility allows the repair of damaged units. Moving a vehicle onto the repair pad will begin the repair process. Note that repairs drain credits over time and that damage to the repair facility will lower the pace of repairs.

Cost: $50
Role: Basic Infantry
Technicians maintain base structures from within, rarely seeing combat. When out in the field, they scare easily, becoming difficult to hit and increasing in movement speed. Armed with 10 round pistols, they will only reload once they calm down and stop flailing. Not to be underestimated, a swarm of Technicians can be surprisingly dangerous.
Role: Basic Infantry
Technicians maintain base structures from within, rarely seeing combat. When out in the field, they scare easily, becoming difficult to hit and increasing in movement speed. Armed with 10 round pistols, they will only reload once they calm down and stop flailing. Not to be underestimated, a swarm of Technicians can be surprisingly dangerous.

Cost: $500
Role: Captures Buildings
Engineers are used to seize control of enemy buildings. Since they carry no weapons, they are extremely vulnerable on the battlefield and must be directed very carefully. Escorts are commonly used to protect the Engineers as they close on enemy buildings.
Flame Bike

Cost: $300
Role: Reconnaissance
The Flame Bike is a disposable, incredibly fast scouting unit. Armed with a flamethrower to deal with lone sentries, it also makes for a surprisingly effective suicide unit. Several Flame Bikes can zip past enemy defences and destroy vulnerable structures with ease.

Cost: $1000
Role: Anti-Infantry Armoured Battle Tank, Anti-Air
This self-propelled anti-aircraft gun is a solid-front line vehicle, effective against all targets. Only the most heavily armoured defences and tanks can prove to be its bane; lesser units are easy prey for its flak cannons. The Flakpanzer can also fire on enemy aircraft.
EMP Disruptor

Cost: $1000
Role: Anti-Vehicle Specialist
A revolutionary leap forward in military technology, the EMP Disruptor fires electromagnetic pulses at enemy vehicles, disrupting computer systems and destroying them from within. While harmless to infantry, the EMP is particularly effective against heavily armoured targets.
Light Construction Vehicle (LCV)

Cost: $600
Role: Base Expansion, Entrenchment
This light construction vehicle allows for base expansion and entrenchment of defensive positions. Once a suitable location is found, double click on the LCV to deploy it, unpacking the LCV and constructing a Hideout in its place.
Mobile Construction Vehicle (MCV)

Cost: $5000
Role: Base Expansion
The mobile construction vehicle lets you search for suitable base sites. Once one is found, convert the MCV into a full-service Construction Yard and use it to build other structures. Since this vehicle is slow, unarmed, and expensive, you will want to keep it well guarded with other units.