
Meora promised a better world. Yet the people of Ethiopia have struggled under the reign of Governor Nikoomba. Desperate times have
driven the people to rise up in arms, crying out for a better way of life. Using former Soviet equipment, along with some exotic weapons
purchased on the Black Market, the Ethiopian Resistance seeks to secure the oil fields and establish a new power in Ethiopia. Unlike other
factions in Dawn of Tomorrow, Ethiopia gathers oil instead of receiving passive income.
Construction Yard

Cost: $5000
Role: Base Construction
The Construction Yard is the foundation of a base and allows the construction of other Ethiopian buildings. The most vital structure of a base; it must be protected at all costs. Destruction or seizure of the Construction Yard will shut down further base expansion.
Power Shed

Cost: $150
Role: Generates 50 Power
A pair of generators rigged to provide power to other Ethiopian buildings. Due to their fragile nature, Power Sheds should be placed in safe locations, as power output is directly proportional to the building's condition.

Cost: $300
Role: Produces Infantry
This structure is a camp for recruiting Ethiopian resistance fighters. Building multiple Barracks will increase the rate at which infantry are produced.

Cost: N/A
Role: Produces Infantry, Base Defence
Constructed by deploying an LCV, Hideouts are small, inconspicious structures, loaded to the brim with weapons. Infantry can be produced here and partisans can fire at nearby enemies from within. When placing the Hideout, ensure that the entrance is not blocked as infantry can only exit to the south of the structure. Fragile and weak, Hideouts need support from units to secure a position.
Role: Produces Infantry, Base Defence
Constructed by deploying an LCV, Hideouts are small, inconspicious structures, loaded to the brim with weapons. Infantry can be produced here and partisans can fire at nearby enemies from within. When placing the Hideout, ensure that the entrance is not blocked as infantry can only exit to the south of the structure. Fragile and weak, Hideouts need support from units to secure a position.
Oil Refinery

Cost: $2000
Role: Economic Structure
This vital structure is Ethiopia's only source of income, processing crude oil into useful chemicals and byproducts for sale. Building an Oil Refinery will also deploy an Oil Tanker which will set out for the closest oil field. Any number of Oil Tankers can operate from a single Refinery, and each Refinery can store up to $1000 of refined oil.
Role: Economic Structure
This vital structure is Ethiopia's only source of income, processing crude oil into useful chemicals and byproducts for sale. Building an Oil Refinery will also deploy an Oil Tanker which will set out for the closest oil field. Any number of Oil Tankers can operate from a single Refinery, and each Refinery can store up to $1000 of refined oil.
Oil Silo

Cost: $150
Role: Holds Refined Oil
This structure stores up to $1500 of processed oil. When the Oil Refinery fills to its maximum capacity, you will want to build Oil Silos to handle the excess storage load. Guard it carefully. If destroyed or captured, the amount stored is deducted from your account.
Black Market

Cost: $1000
Role: Base Radar & Communication
Much contraband runs through Ethiopia, providing resourceful commanders with opportunities to purchase exotic weapons and equipment. Bootleg radio allows the use of the radar screen as long as there is sufficient power. The radar screen allows for long-range views of the battlefield and for commanding units over great distances.
Role: Base Radar & Communication
Much contraband runs through Ethiopia, providing resourceful commanders with opportunities to purchase exotic weapons and equipment. Bootleg radio allows the use of the radar screen as long as there is sufficient power. The radar screen allows for long-range views of the battlefield and for commanding units over great distances.
Weapons Factory

Cost: $2000
Role: Produces Vehicles
This structure constructs Ethiopia's vehicles. Building multiple Weapons Factories will decrease the amount of time it takes to create a vehicle.
Repair Facility

Cost: $1000
Role: Repairs Vehicles
The repair facility allows the repair of damaged units. Moving a vehicle onto the repair pad will begin the repair process. Note that repairs drain credits over time and that damage to the repair facility will lower the pace of repairs.
Barbed Wire

Cost: $50
Role: Base Defence
Used to deter the enemy from advancing. Only explosive weapons such as grenades, missiles, and shells can damage Barbed Wire. It takes two hits from any explosive weapon to destroy a section of Barbed Wire.

Cost: $100
Role: Basic Infantry
Minigunners are basic infantry units equipped with short range rifles. En masse this unit becomes cost-effective against slow-moving armoured units such as tanks. When engaging such targets Minigunners must keep moving or the tanks will run over them.

Cost: $200
Role: Anti-Infantry Specialist
Devastating against infantry and soft targets; the Flamethrower is a volatile unit that requires careful use. Their weapon cares not for whom it engulfs in flames—both friendly and enemy targets will be damaged. In addition, the Flamethrower's fuel tank is fragile and will explode violently when the unit is killed.
Role: Anti-Infantry Specialist
Devastating against infantry and soft targets; the Flamethrower is a volatile unit that requires careful use. Their weapon cares not for whom it engulfs in flames—both friendly and enemy targets will be damaged. In addition, the Flamethrower's fuel tank is fragile and will explode violently when the unit is killed.

Cost: $500
Role: Captures Buildings
Engineers are used to seize control of enemy buildings. Since they carry no weapons, they are extremely vulnerable on the battlefield and must be directed very carefully. Escorts are commonly used to protect the Engineers as they close on enemy buildings.

Cost: $300
Role: Anti-Infantry & Anti-Air
RPGs are general purpose infantry, effective against most airborne and ground-based targets. While the heavy weapon slows down the unit, making RPGs easy targets, they deal considerable burst damage in large groups.
Chaff Mortar

Cost: $400
Role: Anti-Vehicle Specialist, Siege
The Chaff Mortar is a slow-moving, long-range artillery infantry, effective against vehicles. These units fire a non-lethal mortar projectile that releases a cloud of signal-jamming metal strips upon impact with a target. While harmless to infantry, the chaff confuses and disrupts the computer systems of structures and vehicles, being particularly effective against heavily armoured targets.
Role: Anti-Vehicle Specialist, Siege
The Chaff Mortar is a slow-moving, long-range artillery infantry, effective against vehicles. These units fire a non-lethal mortar projectile that releases a cloud of signal-jamming metal strips upon impact with a target. While harmless to infantry, the chaff confuses and disrupts the computer systems of structures and vehicles, being particularly effective against heavily armoured targets.

Cost: $400
Role: Anti-Vehicle & Anti-Air
Purchased long ago from the Soviet Union, this armoured car is Ethiopia's main combat vehicle. Armed with a rocket launcher, small groups of this vehicle can serve as an effective anti-vehicle deterrent, a role for which other Ethiopian vehicles are ill-suited.
Fireball Tank

Cost: $800
Role: Anti-Infantry Armoured Battle Tank
The Fireball Tank is Ethiopia's sturdiest vehicle, making it an ideal choice for absorbing damage or securing a position. Its incendiary weapon has decent range, allowing it to dispatch swarms of infantry with little risk to itself.

Cost: $1000
Role: Siege
A devastating siege weapon, the Katyusha unleashes a massive barrage of 32 rockets at considerable range. Once the ammunition is expended, double click on the Katyusha to deploy it, reloading its ammunition at the expense of durability. Use with the Repair Facility to extend the life of the siege unit.
Light Construction Vehicle (LCV)

Cost: $600
Role: Base Expansion, Entrenchment
This light construction vehicle allows for base expansion and entrenchment of defensive positions. Once a suitable location is found, double click on the LCV to deploy it, unpacking the LCV and constructing a Hideout in its place.
Oil Tanker

Cost: $1400
Role: Economy
This armour-plated vehicle seeks out and sucks up crude oil, then transports it to refineries for processing. It is slow and unwieldy and will need to be protected. Its good points are that it can take a beating before being destroyed and it is proficient at crushing enemy infantry.